Saturday, July 13, 2019

Write the Rails

Camp NaNoWriMo and Writing on a Whim, Whimsicalitea’s writing club, converged for a July daytrip along the SoCal coastline by train. 

Our group of WriMos met at ARTIC, the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center, and rode the Metrolink commuter train to Oceanside. We walked to the end of the pier where we ate lunch at the Ruby’s Diner and later rode the train back to Anaheim. 

The purpose of the trip was to write undisturbed while riding the rails, but I admit I spent most of the time looking out the train windows. Great scenery. 

Metrolink sells weekend passes for $10 per day which allows unlimited Metrolink rides and connections on Saturdays or Sundays. Ample free parking and the ease of getting to the ARTIC station, combined with the inexpensive tickets, creates opportunities for affordable daytrips and has sparked a desire to explore local destinations – perhaps just for lunch or to admire architecture, or just because I love riding trains. 

Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 4, 2019

Happy Birthday, America! 

At 9:00 AM, I sat on the patio drinking tea and reading a book. My dog, cuddled beside me, was finally calm after the previous night’s (and weeks’) illegal discharge of ‘Safe and Sane’ fireworks. 

At 9:40, the first aroma of barbecuing pork wafted across the fence. The smell awakened memories of home and the south. I felt like Pavlov’s dog, drooling and wondering if any BBQ restaurants would be open today. 

By 10:30, the 4th of July parade had begun. Our city claims to have the largest Independence Day Parade west of the Mississippi River. The military jet flyovers of previous years have been replaced with the aerobatic airshow I watched from my front yard. The city has an all-day celebration with food, music, and a nighttime firework show. 

It’s a perfect way to honor our country’s birthday!